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Culture, Migration and Health.

Integration Chatroom (ICR) Special Edition 2 will be the fourth episode of the Integration Chat room project organized by Stichting Unity in Diversity. The special edition is the type that is open to all, without special focus on a people from a particular country. It will take place on the 16th of May 2018, from 17:30 to 19:30, at Room OV216, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, 2521 EN.

The focus of the ICR project is to connect people of different backgrounds together, to share their socio-cultural experiences in The Netherlands. In our other chatroom events, we had Syrians, Eritreans and students as our focus group, and with a mix of foreigners, Dutch and people from various cultural backgrounds. We discussed socio-cultural differences at work and school environments; these events were enlightening, inspirational and helpful to attendees.

The topic for this edition is “culture, migration and health;” we will discuss how a person's health can be affected by many things, including their culture and location! During this episode of Integration chat room, we want to give attendees a chance to understand how culture and migration can play a role in different aspects of their physical and mental health, most importantly, learning from people’s experiences.

Why this project?

When you come into a new community, you discover the diverse cultures in play. In the course of our daily lives, these cultural differences play a role; it can be positive, and it can also be negative.

You find differences in the way your co-worker treats you and vice versa. How do you relate with your superiors? How do you mingle with your study mates? What if you need the help of a psychologist for my mental health, is that acceptable in my culture? How important is keeping to time when an appointment is fixed? Must you socialize with your study mates? Can you inform your professor when you have personal struggles that may affect your studies?

All these and more are questions that are often culturally and socially subjective. In this chat evening, we will seat and hear people tell us about their experiences in their place of work or study. Some of them have refugee backgrounds, while others are either Dutch or Expats. This topic relates to all, and we invite you to come, chat with us, help someone overcome similar challenges, and enjoy a healthy salad bar!

More Info: Sign up on this link.

You can also follow this event on our facebook page.

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