Economic, Civic and Social Contributions of Refugees and Humanitarian Entrants
Title: Economic, Civic and Social Contributions of Refugees and Humanitarian Entrants
Type: Literature Review
Location: Australia
Name of Responsible Persons:
Source: Refugee Council of Australia.
Date: Unknown
This literature review aims to analyze the economic, social and civic contributions of refugees. As part of the review, the Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) was asked by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) to explore the material available on following issues:
Avenues for overcoming barriers to successful economic progress, unemployment, and factors which contribute to labor market success.
Labor force outcomes of second and third generations.
The prevalence of non-paid and voluntary work among refugee countries.
Areas of skill shortage in the Australian economy and opportunities for human entrants to contribute.
International comparisons of the labor force outcomes of humanitarian entrants
The economic comparisons of humanitarian entrants and other potential economic benefits of Australia’s resettlement program.
The review suggests that refugees bring in social capital to the host community which needs to be recognized and incorporated into economic and social policies for both refugee communities as well as for the wider Australian community.
Follow this link to read the full review.