ARMIA: Active Refugee & Migrant Integration in Australia
Title: ARMIA: Active Refugee & Migrant Integration in Australia.
Type: Project (ongoing)
Location: Australia.
Name of Responsible Persons: ARMIA.
Date: Unidentified.
ARMIA promotes socio-economic participation of Australians from the refugee and migrant backgrounds; they also combat social isolation for all Australians in the areas they work on. Free sessions are organized to provide information on a variety of topics including but not limited to Centrelink. ARMIA provides services in areas such as: Legal Aid, Citizenship, Housing, Domestic Violence, Health and Education. They also provide interpreters in these information sessions and translate information materials wherever possible.

Several practical activities are also regularly organized to empower the refugees. ARMIA’s aim is to empower, inspire, educate and support refugees and migrants to actively integrate and participate in the Australian society.
The summary is created from information found on ARMIA’s website, visit this link for more details.