UID Integration Chatroom (ICR) Episode 2
We would like to thank our main sponsor WIJDOENMEE.NU for helping us to be able to organise such a great event! Also a big shout-out to the donors, volunteers, participants, partners and to the newcomers who came for this amazing event and helped us by any means to make it even better than the last one!
We look forward to seeing you on the Games Around the World event! More information will be shared soon and don't forget to tag yourself on the photos if you spot yourself!
Also thank you Stichting voor Vluchteling-Studenten UAF, IOM Nederland, UNHCR Nederland, VluchtelingenWerk Den Haag, Westland en Rijswijk, The Hague Peace Projects She Matters
Testimonials from Integration Chatroom episode 2.
"Thanks a lot for the event yesterday, I really needed it. This event gave me the feeling that I can make my Dreams (come) true and I'm very happy that I can have English and computer courses! - Jihan from Syria
We are here for you Jihan and we hope to see you on the next event, too!