GAW: sport and food to encourage integration.
On the 17th of March in Den Hague a sport event involved over 70 people from all over the world. The GAW (games around the world) is an initiative created by Unity in Diversity in partnership with many companies and association.
The main goal is to approach integration through sports and food coming from every part of the world, so everyone can feel equally involved and can partecipate to the competition with the same attitude: having fun together and meet new people.
During the second edition the UiD organized over 10 games with many prizes donated by our sponsors.

Thank to the warm environment, the common willing to meet up and know each other gave to the event a special athmosphere: everyone was enjoing the time together and sharing their life experiences.
Many refugees and expat learned how to play dutch games and local people had the chance to taste meals coming from far away.
After a couple of hours the groups were so well mixed that is was impossible to distinguish refugees, international people and locals. We were like the pieces of a puzzle that looks too difficult to put together, but thanks to sports, food and passion we have created something new and beautiful.
Integration is never easy, but once you find the right key you can really make it possible. This event has been possible thaks to our volunteers and our partners like Pathé , Decathlon Nederland, Trefpunt Vliethage, Jumbo Supermarkten and Stichting Welzijn & Ondersteuning Pijnacker-Nootdorp.