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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Migrant and Refugee Integration in Global Cities; The Role of Cities and Bus

Title: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Migrant and Refugee Integration in Global Cities; The Role of Cities and Businesses.

Type: Research Paper

Location: Malaysia

Name of responsible persons: Elaine McGregor

Source: ALNAP

Date: January 1, 2014.

In collaboration with Maastricht University’s Graduate School of Governance, The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration (THP) initiated a research project related to the economic and social integration of migrants and refugees in cities, focusing specifically on efforts undertaken by the private sector and city governments – both separately and in partnership – to provide protections and create greater opportunities in employment markets and communities.. In this context integration is defined at its most pragmatic, as a process in which migrants are empowered to thrive within the context of their destination – in part - with the help of a number of different local stakeholders.

In addition to the literature review, fieldwork in eight countries was carried out to identify relevant stakeholders for qualitative semi-structured interviews. In total 56 interviews were conducted. This report concentrates on the findings from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The summary was created from information found on ALNAP’s website, follow this link to access the full report.

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